Who We Are

Sanjen Jalavidhyut Company Limited


Sanjen Jalavidhyut Company Limited (SJCL), a public limited company promoted by Chilime Hydropower Company Limited (CHPCL), was established in 2010 with the objective of harnessing Nepal’s hydropower potential. The company emphasizes maximizing local community participation in project ownership and mobilizing local resources for the successful implementation of various hydroelectric projects.

In response to the country’s growing electricity demand, SJCL has developed two hydroelectric projects in cascade:

  1. Sanjen (Upper) Hydroelectric Project (SUHEP): This 14.8 MW project is located in Simbu Village at an elevation of 2,187 meters above sea level.
  2. Sanjen Hydroelectric Project (SHEP): With a capacity of 42.5 MW, the powerhouse is situated in Chilime Village at an elevation of 1,745 meters above sea level.

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Mr. Arpan Bahadur Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Sanjen Jalavidhyut Company Ltd.
Contact: 01-4374275

Our Projects

Sanjen Jalavidhyut Company Limited (SJCL), a company promoted by Chilime Hydropower Company Limited (CHPCL), is a public limited company established in 2010 AD with the objective of harnessing hydropower potential of the county with maximum participation of local people in the projects’ ownership and mobilization of local resources for the successful implementation of various hydroelectric projects

Sanjen Hydroelectric Project (SHEP)

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sanjen Hydroelectric Project (SHEP): Sanjen Hydroelectric...

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Sanjen (Upper) Hydroelectric Project (SUHEP)

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sanjen (Upper) Hydroelectric Project (SUHEP): Sanjen...

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